The Community of Artists Diversity of Art's was founded on May 9, 2013. It represents both the diversity of artistic creation (Diversity of Arts) as well as the diversity of the acting artists (Diversity of Artists). The Community of Artists creates art for the joy of art and the enthusiasm of others.


Landscape painting

Landscape painting includes the presentation of excerpts from the specific by nature as well as man-made space. Image object can be concrete and idealized natural landscapes from hills to high mountains, for example, seascapes, rivers, mountain lakes and peaks formations or motifs on the seashore.

Common motifs are also cultural landscapes - as views of cities and architectures (Vedute) - as well as garden design and parklands, industrial designs and factory environments.

Impressions (45)

This picture gallery, which will be continuously developed, can only provide a first impression of our work in the area of Landscape painting.

All service categories

Landscape painting

Situational painting

Nude painting


Landscape photography

Portrait photography


Representational photography

Situational photography

Photo composition

Objects of art and installations