Isaura Gomes
Artist in painting
Artist in painting
Member since Thursday, May 9, 2013
When painting, I immerse into another world, in which the soul guides the brush.
The creation out of nothing. It starts with an idea of the painting, a vision, and I’m trying to work towards.
Isaura Gomes
Dear art lovers,
my name is Isaura Gomes.
In 1967 I was born in Portugal and immigrated to Germany in 1983.
Since I live in Wetter I look at this city as my city -
here I am happy and I feel good.
Painting is a passion with me since I can remember.
Even before I was in school drawing and painting was a pastime
that I discovered for myself as a game, or rather:
It was a desire - as something inside myself would drive me to do just this.
While other kids at my age were playing, I retired and preferred painting.
I painted with the juice of flowers, with burnt pieces of wood or with colors
the one used for painting the doors - nothing was safe from my hands.
In school, the teachers were always impressed by my creativity.
They tried to encourage me whenever they could.
I took part in various competitions - with success.
In the age of 15 I registered in an Open University.
But as is so often the destiny thinks it differently...
In 2009, I found the way to the Academy of Art in Wetter.
I was thrilled. I felt welcome and at ease.
Also, I was fascinated by the skills of Olga Vinnitskaya.
I immediately noticed: "Here you are right!"
I felt warmth and felt the chance to learn a lot of stuff.
2010, I decided to sign for the study of painting and drawing as well as the history of art at the Academy of Fine Arts.
Both representational art and abstract painting need a concept.
On the basis of drawing, composition, color theory and color harmony (e.g. weather mood)
up to the picture's message everything is taught under professional supervision.
My curiosity was piqued.
In different techniques and with different tools the nicest works arise.
Since I regularly attend the courses of the Academy of Art.
As a student of Ms. Olga Vinnitskaya I could develop my artistic skills,
increase my expressiveness, refine my techniques and improve the use of colors.
When painting, I sink into another world, where the soul guides the brush -
an incredible feeling of letting yourself go.
The creation out of nothing, when I sink really deep inside.
I hear and see nothing around me, and my creativity unfolds.
It all starts with an idea of the picture, a vision, and I'm trying to work towards.
But then - in the process of working - I often have other ideas.
I try to implement what I have learned, my thirst for knowledge has only increased.
In a picture I can give all my feelings a shape through my hands and can have other to take part.
When I sit in front of the easel, I am totally relaxed and can devote myself entirely to painting.
The result is an image - my image.
Actually I'm never really satisfied.
I often think that it could be better, be greater, be closer to my imagination.
My goal is to motivate me even more to achieve my goals and dreams,
to give my thoughts even more expression and eventually to achieve this ideal -
my identity, a part of me, that awakens the curiosity and the interest in art - in people.
In my opinion every one of us has a creative source.
It often goes undetected, but when found, it can change a life.
I wish all a lot of fun while viewing my pictures.
Isaura Gomes
+49 2335 970660
+49 174 2493228
Hochstraße 16a
58300 Wetter (Ruhr)
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