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On the occasion of the concert of the Brass Ensemble Ludwig Güttler in the Ruhrtaler Cathedral.
On Sunday, May 29, 2016 at 17.00 the world-renowned trumpet virtuoso Ludwig Güttler and his brass ensemble invite you to join a
fireworks of classical brass music in the Lutheran Church - the Ruhr Valley Cathedral.
This special event will be accompanied by an exhibition of arts on "music" in the adjacent community center.
The beginning of the exhibition is immediately after the concert at 19.00:
The exhibition can be visited until June 12, 2016 at the opening times of the Community Center –
on 11 and 12 June the Community Festival of the parish will take place.
Exhibiting artists
By the way: A few tickets for the concert are still available at the ticket offices.
Where exactly that you learn here.
And in addition to the cultural highlights tempting culinary delights are waiting for you.
We are looking forward to your visit.
"Sonata in C Major from Tommaso Albinoni (Movements II and IV)":
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